How to join:

  1. Check out where your nearest Pantry is, and its opening time, at our locations page .

  2. Go along when they are open.

  3. Someone from the friendly Pantry Team will be able to tell you more about how it works, and can help you fill out your membership form.

  4. Hand in your form and the £2 membership fee to get your membership card.

And that’s it! Now you are a member and can start saving money - and unless they are very busy you’ve probably been offered a free cup of tea or coffee you can drink while you look around

We want to invite you to save money on your groceries.

It all begins with you signing up as a member of The Pop-Up Pantry.

In a nutshell for every £1 you are able to access at least £2 worth of food and household goods.

There is a small membership fee of £2 and then for every £1 on your account you are able to choose £2 worth of groceries.

CHOICE is massively important to The Pantry and so it works just like a shop. You choose what you want to buy and then rather than paying for it with cash you use your membership points.

We also accept Healthy Start vouchers. This means that if you redeem these at The Pantry you are able to receive £8.50 worth of food for free (In accordance with the Healthy Start Voucher T&C’s)


Joining the club means benefits for everyone who shops